Evaluations’ results

List of university study programmes proposed for analysis and validation in ARACIS Council’s Meeting

Friday 30 of May 2014 Validation 29.05.2014

During the ARACIS meeting on 29.05.2014, 104 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 79 Bachelor degree university study programmes, 24 Master’s degree study programmes, one Teaching staff...

Thursday 17 of April 2014 Validation 17.04.2014

During the ARACIS meeting on 17.04.2014, 16 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 13 Bachelor degree university study programmes, 3 Master’s degree study programmes and one institutional...

Thursday 27 of March 2014 Validation 27.03.2014

During the ARACIS meeting on 27.03.2014, 57 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 45 Bachelor degree university study programmes, 12 Master’s degree study programmes and four institutional...

Thursday 20 of February 2014 Validation 20.02.2014

During the ARACIS meeting on 20.02.2014, 34 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 5 Bachelor degree university study programmes, 28 Master’s degree study programmes and one teaching staff training...

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