Evaluations’ results
List of university study programmes proposed for analysis and validation in ARACIS Council’s Meeting
Monday 22 of April 2019 Validation 22.04.2019
During the ARACIS meeting on 22.04.2019, 37 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 35 Bachelor degree university study programmes, two Master’s degree study programmes, 38 master domains, and one...
Friday 22 of March 2019 Validation 21.03.2019
During the ARACIS meeting on 21.03.2019, 21 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 17 Bachelor degree university study programmes, four Master’s degree study programme, 52 master domains, and three...
Thursday 28 of February 2019 Validation 28.02.2019
During the ARACIS meeting on 28.02.2019, 26 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 25 Bachelor degree university study programmes,one Master’s degree study programme, 17 master domains, 2 TSTD, and...
Thursday 31 of January 2019 Validation 31.01.2019
During the ARACIS meeting on 31.01.2019, 29 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 25 Bachelor degree university study programmes, 4 Master’s degree study programmes, and 21 master domanins.
Thursday 20 of December 2018 Validation 20.12.2018
During the ARACIS meeting on 20.12.2018, 26 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 20 Bachelor degree university study programmes, 5 Master’s degree study programmes, one Romanian language...
Thursday 29 of November 2018 Validation 29.11.2018
During the ARACIS meeting on 29.11.2018, 22 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 7 Bachelor degree university study programmes,13 Master’s degree study programmes, and 2 TSTD.
Thursday 01 of November 2018 Validation 31.10.2018
During the ARACIS meeting on 31.10.2018, 12 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 9 Bachelor degree university study programmes,3 Master’s degree study programmes, 1 master domanin, and 1...
Thursday 27 of September 2018 Validation 27.09.2018
During the ARACIS meeting on 27.09.2018, one institutional evaluation and 1 appeal were analysed.
Thursday 30 of August 2018 Validation 30.08.2018
During the ARACIS meeting on 30.08.2018, two institutional evaluations were analysed.
Thursday 26 of July 2018 Validation 26.07.2018
During the ARACIS meeting on 26.07.2018, 27 university programmes were analysed and validated, out of which 7 Bachelor degree university study programmes,14 Master’s degree study programmes, 6 Romanian language preparatory year...