QUEST Workshop 3

From 2 until 8 July a quality assurance (QA) training for student representatives was conducted as a part of the QUEST project of the European Student Union (ESU). The purpose of the QUEST Workshop was to empower student representatives to engage actively with the quality processes on national, local and international level and also to enhance and assure their, and their fellow students’, learning experience.

This workshop has been designed to provide student representatives with the skills and knowledge for them to make a positive change for the students they represent and to allow them to contribute to the other research aspects of the QUEST project.

For these five day student reps managed to increase their understanding on the principles of quality and gain knowledge on how quality assurance frameworks/mechanisms/ systems works in practice. They were also trained to define what reference points are used in quality and  conduct themselves in review meetings.

The workshop also provided space for the participants to shared their experiences with their  fellow pool members exchanging good practice examples for student insolvent in QA from all around Europe. The workshop was conducted in a cooperation with ESU’ QUEST project partners – sparqs and ARACIS.