QUEST Workshop 1

Enhancing students’ participation in quality assurance of higher education remains the priority area for the European Students’ Union and from 2010 year on is strongly institutionally backed-up with the QUEST project, ESU is implementing with partners.

Besides it’s other action lines, which mainly focus on research and policy development, necessity to work on further empowerment of students to act as experts on quality assurance has it’s exceptional role and will be mainly delivered within a series of thematic workshops. The first QUEST workshop will take place in Edinburgh, July 12-16, 2011 (arrival and departure days) and aims to bring together current and incoming members of ESU’s experts’ pool on quality assurance.

Aims and objectives of the workshop are as follows:

1. Introducing to QUEST project, main action lines and interim outcomes;

2. Presenting ESU work on quality assurance (MAP ESG, E4 group) and contributing the discussion over future development of ESU experts’ pool on QA;

3. Creating a space to share practices in the field of quality assurance, covering students’ participation on all levels around Europe: from international to institutional;

4. Exploring the role of students in quality assurance broadening of the argumentation catalogue to advocate for greater students’ participation in QA;

5. Developing a critical awareness of international policy discourses in the context of the changing nature of higher education and its impact to quality debate on the national/ institutional level;

6. Validating the operational part of ESU's Strategy on Quality Assurance Experts' pool with a particular focus on development of a long-term training program for pool members;

7. Enabling QA experts with skills, necessary for successful performance as external reviewer.